A social wall is a modern digital solution to enhance interactions and create a sense of community during events around a specific topic. Brella 'Spaces' will help you foster engagement, share insights, and build connections with your fellow event attendees on topics curated by the event organizer.
Make a post in a 'Space'
As an event attendee, you can effectively contribute to a 'Space' by sharing your perspective and engaging with fellow participants on a specific topic decided by the event organizer. A post can be made as follows:
Navigate to the event 'Spaces' tab on the Brella mobile app
💡The 'Spaces' tab can be renamed by the event organizer depending on their preference.
Select a 'Space' you wish to post in from the 'List' view or individual 'Space' tabs.
Write a post in the 'Write something' section and click on 'Post'.
💡When making a post, you are given options to make your text Bold and/or Italic. You also can add links and images as a post.
When adding an image, only an image cannot be added as a post. You will have to 'write a post' and then select the image to accompany the writing.
Delete/edit a post made
You can delete/edit a post made by clicking on the three dots (...) available on the top right corner of the particular post.
Comment and Like a post
You can comment on posts made by fellow attendees. This can be done by clicking on the respective 'Comment' button available under each post. A comment made can be edited/deleted by clicking on the three dots (...) available in the top right corner of the particular comment.
You can also like a post or a comment made on a post by clicking on the 'Like' button available for each post/comment. You can undo a Like by clicking on the same like button a second time.
💡Images cannot be added as comments.
❗The 'posts' and 'comments made on posts' can be screened and removed if need be by the respective event organizers.