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Onboard an Event on Brella (Mobile)
Onboard an Event on Brella (Mobile)
Written by Customer Success
Updated over 2 months ago

Following the creation of your Brella account, you can either join an event through an email invitation or an invite saved in the Brella mobile app. Once you have selected your preferred choice of joining an event, there are a few steps to follow to onboard the event. This is the first step you are taking to create your profile for the event you are joining.

Steps to onboard an event

Welcome screen

This is the first screen you will see when you are onboarding an event. You will be able to see a small welcome message set by the event organizer along with some key event details. Click on 'Get started'

Personal information

Following the above screen, you will be shown a screen with 'personal information'. The details of this screen are pre-populated from the data you entered while creating your Brella account. You can edit this if needed or click 'Confirm and continue'.

Setting up the networking profile

Then you will be directed to 'Set up your networking profile'. Depending on the settings decided by the event organizer, you will have the option to set the networking profile later as well. If this option is available, you can set it up later by clicking on the 'people' tab on the event main menu. If not, click on 'Get started'.

๐Ÿ’กYou will not be able to network until you set up your networking profile.

Identity data

The next step in setting up the networking profile is, entering the 'identity' data. If the event organizer has not activated this function for your event, you will not be shown this step. If it is activated, this is where you will select the exact role you play in the event based on the persona, industry, and function you perform. Select the options most suited for you from the drop downs and click 'Continue'.

Matchmaking data

The next step in setting up the networking profile is selecting your interests for matchmaking purposes. For each category set up by the event organizer, you are required to select your event goals. Once you have selected your interests, you will be matched with the most relevant people in the event based on your selections. Once done, click 'Continue'.

Profile introduction set up

Then you will be directed to set up a brief introduction about yourself and also to select the location you operate in. The maximum character limit for the introduction is 280. Click 'Continue' once the data has been filled.

Networking availability set up

The last step in setting up the networking profile is to choose the days you are available for networking. You will not see this step if you are attending a one-day event. If you are attending a multi-day event and the event organizer has no networking set up for some days, those days will not be visible for selection either. Once the selections have been made, click on 'Join the event'.

You have successfully completed the event onboarding process. Now you are ready to start networking with fellow attendees!

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